ENV 761 - Landscape GIS   |   Spring 2024   |   Instructors: Peter Cada & John Fay  
Topic Date In Class To Watch... To Do...
Course Introduction Thu Jan-11 Course Overview §1.0-Intro; Lab 0: Organizing GIS Data
Account Set up §1.1-Geospatial Data
Lab 0 - Organizing GIS Data
1. Project Based GIS Tue Jan-16 Q&A: Lab Set up & §1.1 §1.2-ESRI's Living Atlas Lab 1: ArcGIS Online
AGOL Account Setup
Thu Jan-18 Q&A: Lab 1 Project 1.1: Overview (part a) Proj 1.1a: Getting Data (Steps 1-4)
Discussion: Living Atlas
Tue Jan-23 Guest: Katie Warnell Project 1.1: Overview (part b) Proj 1.1b: Analysis (Steps 5 & 6)
Q&A: Project 1.1 §1.3-Communicating Results
Thu Jan-25 Q&A: Analysis §1.4-ESRI: How Maps Work Proj 1.2: Assignment
Map Critique Exercise
2. Ecohydrology/Terrain Analysis Tue Jan-30 Q&A: §1.4 - Project 1 §2.1-Ecoyhydrology; Proj 2.1: Ecohydrology
Section 2 Intro
Thu Feb-01 Q&A: Ecohydrology §2.2-Terrain analyisis; Proj 2.2: Terrain indices
Tue Feb-06 Q&A: Terrain Analysis §2.3-Riparian analysis (read) Proj 2.3: Riparian & Flood indices
Thu Feb-08 Guest - TBA §2.4-ESRI on Hydro Analysis Proj 2.4: Synthesis
Tue Feb-13 Work on Project 2
Optional: Unit Hydrographs
3. Habitat Modeling Thu Feb-15 Catch up day §3.1: Intro Proj 3.0: Overview
Proj 3.1: Data Prep
Tue Feb-20 Proj 3: Data Prep §3.2: Modelling approaches Proj 3.2: Rule based
Data Exploration in ArcPro Proj 3.3: MaxEnt (thru Step 3.3)
Thu Feb-22 Q&A - Rule Based Modeling §3.3: Model evaluation Proj 3.3: MaxEnt (Step 3.4 on)
Q&A - 3.3.1 - Maxent Proj 3.4: Model Tuning
Tue Feb-27 Q&A - Model Tuning §3.3: Model evaluation Proj 3.4: Model Interpretation
Q&A - Model Evaluation Proj 3.5: Assignment
4. Landscape analysis Thu Feb-29 Q&A: §3.4 & 3.5 §4.0-Intro Lab 2.1: Patch geom in ArcGIS (a-c)
Tue Mar-05 Q&A: §4.1 & Lab 2.1 [Guest speaker] Lab 2.2 Patch geom in Fragstats (d-e)
Thu Mar-07 Guest: Ron Sutherland §4.2-Connectivity Lab 3.1: Cost analysis
Tue Mar-12 ~~ Spring Break ~~
Thu Mar-14 ~~ Spring Break ~~
Tue Mar-19 Q&A: §4.2 & Lab 3.1 §4.3-Threats: Sensitivity & Stresses Lab 3.2: Corridors and Subnetworks (e-f)
Thu Mar-21 Q&A: §4.3 & Lab 4 [Guest speaker] Lab 4.1: Threats: Distance and densities
Tue Mar-26 Guest: Joe Lemeris §4.4-Fuzzy analysis Lab 4.2: Threats: Weighted overlay
5. Conservation Planning Thu Mar-28 Q&A: §4.4 §5.1-Intro & Systematic Conservation Class Project Work
Tue Apr-02 Class Project Work §5.2-Optimization & Marxan Class Project Work
Thu Apr-04 Guest: Regan Smyth [Guest speaker] Class Project Work
Tue Apr-09 Zipcoding for Hydrologic Response n/a Class Project Work
Thu Apr-11 No Class - MEM Presentations §6.1 - The big picture… Class Project Work
Course Wrap-up Thu Apr-18 Class Wrap-up n/a n/a