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ENV 761 - Landscape GIS   |   Spring 2024   |   Instructors: Peter Cada & John Fay  |  
Section Date Assigned Number Length Topic
Section 0 Tue Jan-11 Lab 0.1 18:37 Lab 0 - Organizing Spatial Data (1)
Lab 0.2 10:57 Lab 0 - Organizing Spatial Data (2)
Lab 0.3 31:11 Lab 0 - Organizing Spatial Data (3)
Section 1 1.0 31:35 Project Based GIS - Intro
1.1 57:45 Geospatial Data
Thu Jan-13 1.2 47:00 ESRI's Living Atlas
Lab 1.1 20:21 Lab 1 - Intro to AGOL & Task 1
Lab 1.2 17:53 Lab 1 - Creating the map & loading data
Lab 1.3 4:53 Lab 1 - Creating a heat map
Lab 1.4 9:39 Lab 1 - Overlay analysis
Lab 1.5 7:35 Lab 2 - Buffer analysis
Lab 1.6 7:01 Lab 1 - Creating a scatterplot
Tue Jan-18 Proj 1.1.1 6:18 Proj 1.1 - Overview
Proj 1.1.2 27:06 Proj 1.1 - Missing projections
Proj 1.1.3 15:05 Proj 1.1 - Gathering Data
Proj 1.1.4 17:30 Proj 1.1 - AGOL Data
Proj 1.1.5 12:08 Proj 1.1 - Prepping for Analysis
Proj 1.1.6 20:24 Proj 1.1 - Executing Analysis
Thu Jan-20 1.3 31:41 Communicating Results
Tue Jan-25 1.4 49:02 ESRI: How Maps Work
Section 2 Thu Jan-27 2.1.1 32:44 Ecohydrology (1)
2.1.2 26:38 Ecohydrology (2)
2.1.3 15:33 Ecohydrology (3)
Proj 2.1.1 18:14 Proj 2.1 - Workspace Set up
Proj 2.1.2 20:25 Proj 2.1 - Surface Analyses
Proj 2.1.3 32:45 Proj 2.1 - Hydro Analyses
Tue Feb-01 2.2.1 15:20 Terrain Analyses (1)
2.2.2 19:05 Terrain Analyses (2)
2.2.3 31:22 Terrain Analyses (3)
Proj 2.2.1 23:52 Proj 2.2 - Watershed delineation
Proj 2.2.2 22:31 Proj 2.2 - TCI
Proj 2.2.3 32:13 Proj 2.2 - TPI, Slope Position, & Landform
Thu Feb-03 2.4 57:15 ESRI - Hydrologic Analysis
Proj 2.3.1 14:20 Proj 2.3 - Watershed Planning Units
Proj 2.3.2 23:21 Proj 2.3 - Identify riparian areas
Proj 2.3.3 25:13 Proj 2.3 - Identify floodplains
Tue Feb-08 Proj 2.4 26:10 Proj 2.4 - Lab Deliverables
Section 3 Thu Feb-15 3.1 8:14 Intro to Habitat Modeling
Proj 3.0.1 9:55 Proj 3.0.1 - Overview: approach
Proj 3.0.2 21:54 Proj 3.0.2 - Overview: data prep
Proj 3.0.3 6:09 Proj 3.0.3 - Overview: modeling
Proj 3.1.1 11:29 Proj 3.1.1 - Workspace prep
Proj 3.1.2 11:08 Proj 3.1.2 - Loading the Datasets
Proj 3.1.3 15:18 Proj 3.1.3 - Building the EnvVars geodatabase
Proj 3.1.4 18:05 Proj 3.1.4 - Deriving datasets
Tue Feb-20 3.2.1 22:37 Ecological, Data, & Statistical Models
3.2.2 8:56 Types of Modeling Approaches
3.2.3 21:03 Modeling Approaches 1
3.2.4 15:56 Modeling Approaches 2
Proj 3.2.1 3:33 Proj 3.2.1 - Rule Based Analysis -Intro
Proj 3.2.2 5:27 Proj 3.2.2 - Review of EnvVars GDB
Proj 3.2.3 13:06 Proj 3.2.3 - Rule Based Analysis - Execution
Proj 3.2.4 10:12 Proj 3.2.4 - Rule Based Analysis - Bonus Video
Proj 3.3.1 11:19 Proj 3.3.1 - Creating Maxent species file
Proj 3.3.2 22:24 Proj 3.3.2 - Maxent rasters & running Maxent
Thu Feb-22 3.3.1 13:33 Components of Model Performance
3.3.2 13:03 Measuring Accuracy
3.3.3 13:06 Sensitivity & Specificity
3.3.4 11:07 ROC and AUC
3.3.5 10:07 Tuning your model
3.3.6 12:23 Examining Missclasses
Proj 3.3.4 20:33 Proj 3.3.3 - Maxent Ouptut
Proj 3.3.3 16:55 Proj 3.3.4 - Maxent to ArcPro
Proj 3.4.1 20:20 Proj 3.4.1 - Generating Pseudoabsences
Proj 3.4.2 15:49 Proj 3.4.2 - Constructing a confusion table
Tue Feb-27 Proj 3.4.3 14:48 Proj 3.4.3 - Examining misclasses
Proj 3.5 11:04 Proj 3.5 Lab Deliverables
Optional 52:33 ESRI - Forest-based classification
Section 4 Thu Feb-29 4.0 10:41 Intro to Landscape Assessment
4.1 38:51 Patch Geometry & Fragmentation
Lab 2.1.1 06:33 Patch Geometry Lab (1) - Intro
Lab 2.1.2 22:00 Patch Geometry Lab (2) - Creating Patches
Lab 2.1.3 16:02 Patch Geometry Lab (3) - Computing Geometries
Lab 2.1.4 16:09 Patch Geometry Lab (4) - Core Area
Lab 2.1.5 11:48 Patch Geometry Lab (5) - Disjunct Cores
Lab 2.1.6 10:23 Patch Geometry Lab (6) - Nearest Neighbor
Tue Mar-05 Lab 2.2.1 12:31 Patch Geometry Lab (7) - Running Fragstats
Lab 2.2.2 21:55 Patch Geometry Lab (8) - Interpreting Fragstats
Thu Mar-07 No class - spring break
Tue Mar-12 No class - spring break
Fri Mar-15 4.2.1 16:15 Intro - What is connectivity
4.2.2 11:42 Approaches to studying connectivity
4.2.3 11:46 Structural vs functional connectivity
4.2.4 07:03 Creating a cost surface
4.2.5 12:51 Least cost paths and corridors
4.2.6 21:53 Graph theory and closing remarks
Lab 3.1.1 10:43 Connectivity Lab (1) - Overview
Lab 3.1.2 9:54 Connectivity Lab (2) - Setup and initial steps
Lab 3.1.3 24:52 Connectivity Lab (3) - Cost distance & least cost paths
Thu Mar-17 Lab 3.2.1 9:54 Connectivity Lab (4) - Corridors
Lab 3.2.2 15:29 Connectivity Lab (5) - Subnetworks
Tue Mar-22 4.3.1 30:24 Breaking down threats
4.3.2 9:11 Threat taxonomies
4.3.3 9:51 Threat rankings
4.3.4 16:04 Case studies and closing remarks
Lab 4.1.1 16:59 Threats (1) - Intro & Euclidean Distances
Lab 4.1.2 13:04 Threats (2) - Decayed distances
Lab 4.1,3 21:11 Threats (3) - Threat densities
Thu Mar-24 4.4.1 20:50 Fuzzy Analysis (1): What is Fuzzy Logic?
4.4.2 12:56 Fuzzy Analysis (2): Fuzzy Logic & GIS
4.4.3 15:03 Fuzzy Analysis (3): Fuzzy Logic & GIS II
Tue Mar-29 Lab 4.2.1 17:09 Threats (4) - Synthesis with weighted overlay
Lab 4.2.2 11:14 Threats (5) - Patch attribution
Section 5 5.1.1 13:07 Intro to Systematic Conservation
5.1.2 9:11 Upscaling habitat data to planning units
5.1.3 16:19 Biodiversity calculations
5.1.4 16:26 Biodiversity data sources
5.1.5 18:47 Biophysical proxies of biodiversity
Lab 5.1.1 25:11 Biodiversity (1) - Overview & Data Upscaling
Lab 5.1.2 16:46 Biodiversity (3) - Biodiversity calculations I
Lab 5.1.3 19:23 Biodiversity (4) - Biodiversity calculations II
Thu Mar-31 Lab 5.2.1 32:10 Biodiversity (5) - Zipcodes
5.2.1 20:33 1. Intro, Sorting, & Weighted Overlays
5.2.2 14:20 2. Greedy & Greedy Heuristic Algorithms
5.2.3 20:46 3. Marxan inputs
Tue Apr-05 5.2.4 16:36 4. Running Marxan and its outputs
Lab 6.1.1 11:55 Prioritization (1) - Overview & MARXAN intro
Lab 6.1.2 6:01 Prioritization (2) - Creating tesselated planning units (optional)
Lab 6.1.3 28:27 Prioritization (3) - Creating MARXAN inputs
Lab 6.1.4 6:56 Prioritization (4) - Tweaking MARXAN inputs
Thu Apr-07 Lab 6.2.2 23:19 Prioritization (5) - Running MARXAN
Lab 6.2.1 15:30 Prioritization (6) - Alternative MARXAN scenarios