ENV 761 (Fay) - Conservation GIS

Project 2: Sierra Costera Site Evaluation - Part 1

Project 2: Sierra Costera Site Evaluation - Part 1♦ Overview♦ Scenario1. Create the project workspace template2. Add and prepare provided data3. Surface analysis4. Hydrologic analysis 4.1 Deriving a stream network from a DEM4.2 Calculating upstream areas5. Terrain Analyses5.1 Topographic Convergence Index (TCI)5.2 Topographic Position Index (TPI)5.3 Slope PositionManual calculation of Slope Position from TPIUsing the provided Slope Position script tool5.4 Landforms♦ Summary

♦ Overview

Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data are widely available and can be used to derive a variety of ecologically meaningful spatial layers. Here we explore how to use DEM data to derive both hydrologic features (streams, watershed boundaries) and terrain-based indices that are often useful in identifying ecologically distinct areas within a landscape.

Use the scenario below to familiarize yourself with how these metrics are calculated in ArcGIS. I've provided some tools that allow you to overcome some of the more tedious components of certain analyses; feel free to keep copies of these tools and use them beyond this class. However, it's essential that you have at least a conceptual idea how these tools work, so be sure to ask if you need further explanation about any process used in this exercise.

The data for this lab are found in the Project2Data.zip file.

♦ Scenario

WWF-Mexico is preparing for a workshop reviewing conservation priorities in the Sierra Costera de Oaxaca -- the coastal mountains on the southern coast of Oaxaca, Mexico. At present, data for the region are limited and they only have a 3 arc-second (90m) DEM for the entire study area along with a 1/2 arc-second DEM (15m) for a selected portion of the area. Still, they need you to help with two pressing requests.

Specific instructions regarding the deliverables will be provided in a separate document, but you are to begin your analysis using the guidelines below.

Let's get started!

1. Create the project workspace template

As usual, the first step in most any analysis is to create a workspace for your project. Start this project as we've learned previously by creating a project folder with the usual subfolders within it ("Data", "Docs", "Scratch"). This time, however, also create a "Scripts" folder as we'll be using some Python scripts in this exercise. Create an ArcGIS Pro project named SierraCostera, in this folder and finally set the workspace environment variables.


2. Add and prepare provided data

Unzip the Project2Data.zip file to your V: drive. The resulting folder contains a geodatabase, two toolboxes, some Python scripts, a set of LYR files, and "TarDEM" -- a folder containing executable files developed by David Tarboton at Utah State that provide some hydrologic analyses that improve upon ArcGIS's raster tools. You need to sort through these files and place them in the correct location in your workspace.

3. Surface analysis

We'll start simply by deriving a few datasets from our DEM using single tools provided with ArcGIS to analyze elevation data: slope, aspect, hillshaded relief, and a modified hillshade dataset, called "analytical hillshade" that approximates the amount of warmth received by the sun.

We will now create a new model in our SierraCostera toolbox to calculate these datasets using our DEM.

  1. Add a new model to your SierraCostera toolbox. Rename it something like SurfaceTools and ensure it's stored using relative paths.
  2. Add the Slope tool to your model

→ Geodesic or planar?

If you examine the help note associated with the choice of using planar or geodesic distances, you'll find that our extent falls a bit in the gray area between the two. You could very well argue that geodesic is the best answer. However, we'll stick with planar in our choices just to be consistent.

→ Note: It won't happen here, but if you calculate slope and see a boxy pattern in your output as shown below, it's likely an indication that the elevation dataset was resampled (e.g. when re-projecting the data) incorrectly. This occurs when "nearest neighbor" or "majority" resampling techniques are used when a bilinear interpolation should have been used.

  1. Add the Aspect and two instances of the Hillshade tools to your model.

Examine each of the resulting raster datasets. Note their values and how they might be best symbolized (color scheme, transparency, resampling type,...) Be sure you understand why some have attribute tables and others do not.

4. Hydrologic analysis

DEM data are also very useful for deriving hydrologic datasets such as stream courses and watershed boundaries. ArcGIS provides a set of tools useful for these analyses (found in the Hydrologic toolbox within the Spatial Analyst tools), but the sequence of tools is important.

To process our DEM data into hydrologic rasters, we\'ll build a new geoprocessing model to hold our sequence of geoprocessing tools. For each of the following steps, be sure you understand what\'s going on and what the resulting cell values are for each derived raster data sets.

4.1 Deriving a stream network from a DEM

  1. Add a new model in the SierraCostera toolbox Name it something like CreateStreamNetwork and set to store relative path names.

  2. Add the Fill tool to your model.

    • Input = DEM_90m
    • Output raster = FilledDEM (in scratch geodatabase)

    The fill tool removes any sinks from the original DEM surface. Sinks, which are simply cells that are lower than all their immediate neighbors, cause havoc when trying to model downstream flow. While some sinks are indeed natural, most are likely artifacts of the DEM creation technique.

  3. Add the Flow Direction tool to your model.

    • Input = FilledDEM
    • Output raster = FlowD8 (in scratch geodatabase)
    • Flow direction type = D8
    • [Leave Output Drop raster blank]

    Be sure your flow direction output only has 8 distinct values (1 ,2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 128). If not, then you are not using a filled DEM or some other error has occurred.

  4. Add the Flow Accumulation tool to your model.

    • Input = FlowDir
    • Output = FlowAcc (in scratch geodatabase)
    • Output data type = Integer (to speed processing and save disk space)

    → Save your map and run the model. Examine the Flow Accumulation results: do you understand what each cell\'s value represents?

  5. Threshold flow accumulation into a stream network using the Set Null tool.

    1. Input raster = FlowAcc
    2. False raster or constant value = 1
    3. Output raster = StreamGrid (in scratch geodatabase)
    4. Expression = VALUE < 300

This procedure sets any cell with fewer than 300 cells draining through it to NoData; the remaining cells are considered stream cells. The choice of 300 is chosen somewhat arbitrarily; Would a higher or lower number produce a map of fewer, larger streams (more cells set to NoData)? Which would label more cells as stream cells. A common practice is to compare the results to an existing stream layer with a known resolution (e.g. 1:24,000 USGS Topo Quads).

Since there are no USGS Topo Quads for Oaxaca, this method won't work. Instead, we can compare our results to INEGI data provided in the map service layer. Add the layer (Located in the LayerTemplates folder), then zoom your map to a scale of 1:50,000. Compare your stream features to those of INEGI when zoomed to this scale. Are they in roughly the same location? Is the level of detail consistent? If so, you can use that to justify your choice of 300 as a cutoff value for flow accumulation to produce a reasonable stream data set

  1. Add the INEGI stream layer to your map and compare your streams to INEGI's.

    • In the Catalog pane of your project, locate the Acervo de informacion geografica INEGI (Mapa Digital de Mexico) on gaia.inegi.org.mx.wms object. Right click it and select "Add to Project."

    • The entry should now appear in the Servers section in your Catalog pane. Double click it to reveal what data services are available through this connection. Locate and add 'Corrientes de Aqua ' to your map:

      • Servico WMS>Servico WMS>T50m>Corrientes de Aqua
    • View your derived streams to those of INEGI. Do you have noticeably more or fewer streams?

  2. Calculate stream order from the Streams raster using the Stream Order tool.

    • Input stream raster = StreamGrid
    • Input flow direction raster = FlowDir
    • Output raster = StrmOrder (in scratch geodatabase)
    • Method = Strahler
  3. Convert stream order raster to a vector stream dataset with the Streams to Feature tool.

    • Input = StrmOrder
    • Flow direction = FlowDir
    • Output = Streams.shp (in Data Folder)
    • Un-check Simplify polylines

    The result can be symbolized using graduated symbols on the GRID_CODE attribute, which represents stream order, to create a nifty map of the stream network.

We now have a vector stream network dataset completely derived from the DEM. It's not as accurate as a map digitized from aerial photos or recorded by wading through the stream with a GPS, but it's a useful dataset derived solely from DEM data -- and since DEM data are available for nearly all terrestrial regions of the globe, it's a technique we can apply quickly and easily for virtually any location!


4.2 Calculating upstream areas

In this section, we'll continue our hydrologic analysis by looking at the technique used to delineate watersheds upstream of a given point. We'll do this for the four gauge locations provided.

  1. Add a new model in the SierraCostera toolbox called Upstream tools.

  2. Determine catchment boundaries for a set of pour points using the Watershed tool.

    • Input flow direction = FlowDir
    • Input pour point data = GaugeLocations
    • Pour point field = Id
    • Output = Watersheds (in Data folder)

Why do some gage sites appear to have no drainage area? Turns out there are two potential issues going on here.

First is the extent of the analysis: by default, the watershed tool's analysis extent is the intersection of inputs, which is likely the pour point shapefile. If your output looks like it's constrained to a box surrounding the pour points, then set the processing extent environment to "union of inputs".

The second issue may be that your pour points don't fall exactly on the stream. You may need to snap the pour point to an area of high flow accumulation using the snap pour point tool, or the method described below.

  1. Snap the gage sites to likely stream courses using the Snap Pour Point tool.

    • Input pour point data = GaugeLocations
    • Pour point field =Id
    • Input accumulation raster =FlowAcc
    • Output =SnappedGages (in Scratch folder)
    • Snap distance = 250

    Inspect a few gage sites and their snapped counterparts. Evaluate how the chosen snap distance performed: should it be increased? Decreased?

  2. Re-calculate watershed boundaries using the snapped gage locations...

    • Input flow direction = FlowDir
    • Input pour point data = SnappedGages
    • Pour point field = Value
    • Output = Watersheds (overwrite existing copy in Data folder)

    Do all the points have reasonably sized drainage areas now? Zoom in to Gage #3. Anything peculiar? No need to fix this for this lab, but how might you fix this?

►An alternative method for snapping pour points... The Snap Pour Point tools may not work effectively if you have many pour points of varying distances to streams. If you set the snap distance too low, the pour point may not reach the stream. If you set it to high you may snap to a larger stream branch than intended. The procedure I outline below overcomes some of these errors by snapping the point to the nearest stream feature -- not just the cell with the highest flow accumulation. You may find this technique more useful in some situations.

  1. Add the Copy Features tool to your model.

    • Input Features: GaugeLocations
    • Output Feature Class: SnappedPoints.shp (in Scratch folder)
  2. Snap the gauge locations to the vector stream features (created previously) using the Snap tool.

    • Input Features: SnappedPoints.shp
    • Snap Environment: Features = Streams.shp Type = Edge Distance = 1500 metersSnapPourPoints
  1. Run the tool and view the SnappedPoints result.
  2. Create a watershed raster using these snapped points. Don't forget to set the processing extent environment to the union of inputs... This procedure works best when the vector stream network was created with the "simplify polylines" option turned off.

Our hydrologic geoprocessing model now allows us to create some useful datasets, all derived from a single elevation raster. Our streams raster can be used to locate riparian areas, if that's an interest for conservation. And our watersheds dataset could serve as a useful landscape unit for various analyses.

ArcHydro is a 3rd party extension to ArcGIS that allows you do many of these DEM based hydrologic operations and more. You'll see that the NSOE machines may have ArcHydro installed on them as you can see the Arc Hydro Tools in the ArcGIS toolbox: https://www.esri.com/library/fliers/pdfs/archydro.pdf

5. Terrain Analyses

Terrain analyses that go beyond slope, aspect, and hillshaded relief offer additional ecologically relevant information. These analyses point out areas in a landscape where moisture may collect, or where inhabiting plants and animals may be more sheltered from sun, wind, and rain. In this section we will examine and use existing geoprocessing models to compute three useful terrain indices:

Each of these analyses is based solely on DEM data. The geoprocessing models used to calculate these are located in the ENV761\_TerrainModels.tbx file, located in your workspace. Many of these tools are based on work done by TNC's Andy Weiss, documented here: http://www.jennessent.com/downloads/tpi-poster-tnc_18x22.pdf


5.1 Topographic Convergence Index (TCI)

Topographic convergence index (TCI) is often used as a proxy for moisture as it reflects the likelihood that water will drain to and remain at a certain location. TCI is calculated as the log of the ratio of drainage area for a given pixel to the tangent of its slope:

...where is drainage area and is the tangent of the slope angle. We have slope, computed in degrees, and flow accumulation from which we can derive drainage area, so we can compute TCI from these. First we'll compute TCI from our D8 flow accumulation:

Topographic Convergence from D8 Flow Accumulation

  1. Create a new model in your toolbox to hold TCI calculations.


  2. Add the Flow Accumulation and Slope (degrees) raster datasets created earlier.


  3. To compute drainage area from flow accumulation, we need to:

    • Add a '1' to all values, to include the cell itself.
    • Then multiply all values by area of a given cell, 8100 in our case, to get a value in m. (Note, you can also compute the cell size in your model using the Get Raster Properties tool.)

    Add a raster calculator tool to run these calculations. You should get values from 8100 to 1.5481935e+09.


  4. To convert our slope to tan(slope), we need to:

    • Convert our slope from degrees to radians (multiply by pi/180).
    • Compute the tangent of our slope, now in radians.

    Add a raster calculator tool to compute Tan(<slope in degrees> * math.pi / 180).

    → The range of values in the slope raster, in radians, should be 0 to 1.16947.

    → The range in values of the tangent of slope (in radians) should be 0 to 2.3565.

    Alternatively, we could just compute slope in percent and multiply by 100 which equals tan(slope)!


  5. Compute TCI by taking the natural log of the drainage area over tan(slope).

    Values should range from 8.47715 to 27.3727


  6. Examine your results. You'll likely see areas of NoData occurring where slope = 0 (as is undefined). To fix this we can recode all cells with zero slope with a minimum value, say 0.001 degrees, and then compute tan(slope) and update our values.

    The ComputeTCI model in the ENV761_TerrainModels toolbox includes this adjustment. Take a look at this model and run it if you wish. Output TCI values will change to 8.47715 to 34.4018.


Topographic Convergence from DINF Flow Accumulation

We can improve our drainage area from the one created above. That one was created using the 8-direction (D8) flow direction raster, which is still useful for deriving stream layers. However, computing flow accumulation from an infinite direction flow direction raster (DINF) will be far more precise and thus give us a better product. So...

  1. Add a new model or add the following to an existing model in your toolbox for DINF TCI.

  2. Compute a new flow accumulation raster derived from an infinite-direction flow direction raster.

    → Make sure you start with your filled 90m DEM.

  3. Convert your d-inf flow accumulation values from cells to drainage area, in m. As above...

    The values for drainage areas should range from 8100 to 1.54805e+09

  4. Compute using the drainage area derived from the DINF flow direction.

    The range of values should be: 8.67853 to 27.3725

  5. Optionally, use the ComputeTCI tool provided to compute TCI with adjustments for zero slope areas.

    The range of values should be: 8.67853 to 34.4018

Run the tool and add the outputs to your map. Add an appropriate color ramp and set them to be partially transparent, and then display them with the hillshade map underneath. Be sure you understand what high and low values represent.


5.2 Topographic Position Index (TPI)

The topographic position index (TPI) reveals peaks and valleys within a landscape by comparing each cell's elevation with the mean elevation of neighboring cells. A peak will be higher relative to its neighbors, and valley will be lower. Thus we simply need to subtract a pixel's actual elevation from the mean elevation of its neighbors.

Topographic position is scale dependent; the size of the neighborhood (usually an annulus) chosen will reveal different features. Smaller radii reveal a dendritic network of both main and lateral ridges as well as drainage networks. Larger radii reveal major ridge lines and drainage areas; smaller lateral features disappear.

We will compute both a fine and a coarse TPI.

  1. Add the Topographic Position Index tool to your Terrain Analysis model.

    • Input DEM = DEM_90m
    • Neighborhood = Annulus with an inner radius of 1 cell and an outer radius of 5 cells
    • Output = TPI_fine (data folder)
  2. Add another instance of the Topographic Position Index tool to your Terrain Analysis model.

    • Input DEM = DEM_90m
    • Neighborhood = Annulus with an inner radius of 20 cells and an outer radius of 25 cells
    • Output = TPI_coarse (data folder)

Run the tools and add the outputs to your display. Like TCI, set the maps to be 40% transparent and display with the hillshade underneath. View the results and play with the inner and outer radii so that the two datasets display different phenomena.


5.3 Slope Position

As described in Weiss poster on landform analysis, we can reclassify the continuous value in the topographic position result into discreet slope position classes representing functional divisions in the landscape. What values to choose to define the ranges within the reclassification depends on the topography of your area: regions with little topographic relief should use narrower ranges while areas of high relief (like ours) can use larger ones.

Weiss proposes, as a standard, repeatable method, using standard deviation units.

Weiss' algorithm for converting TPI to slope position

Manual calculation of Slope Position from TPI

You can use the Get Raster Properties tool to calculate the standard deviation of a TPI raster, and then use that value to manually define the breaks in a Reclassify tool (or a series of Con statements in a Raster Calculation) to create a Slope Position dataset.

Using the provided Slope Position script tool

Because the above is not terribly sophisticated by does require a lot of typing (and room for mistakes), I've created a simple Python script-based tool that calculates slope position from TPI. The Slope Position (Raster Calc) tool provided simplifies this somewhat, but the script-based tool I provide is more robust. (Raster Calculator tools are notoriously finicky). We'll use this Python-based one...

  1. Add two instances the Slope Position tool (the one in the Scripts folder in your toolbox) to your Terrain Analysis model. (The tool is found in the Scripts folder of the ENV761_TerrainModels toolbox.) One instance will be for the fine TPI dataset and the other for the coarse TPI one.

  2. Link the Slope position tool with the Slope dataset and with your respective TPI dataset.

  3. Run the model. Add the results to your display. Use the SlopePosition.lyrx file in the LayerTemplates folder to symbolize your output. (Though you still may want to set the transparency to 40% and show it on top of the Hillshade map.)

    Alternatively, use the Apply Symbology from Layer tool in your model to apply the symbology.


5.4 Landforms

Combining the coarse and fine scale TPI (with slope further dividing some classes) reveals many unique landforms within our landscape (See the Weiss poster). As in calculating Slope Position, you could do this manually using a series of nested Con statements designed to implement the set of conditions presented in Weiss' poster:

Again, however, it would be both exceedingly tedious and quite error prone to type all this out. So rather than have you do this, I have created another Python script based tool that does this quite easily.

  1. Add the Calculate Landform tool to your model.
  2. Set the inputs to be the slope dataset and the two TPI datasets.
  3. Run the model. Add the results to your display. Use the LandForm.lyrx file in the LayerTemplates folder to symbolize your output.

♦ Summary

In doing this lab, we've generated a number of conservation-relevant datasets, all originating from just a digital elevation model. The techniques used here can be adjusted only slightly (with different inputs and analysis parameters) to add many more useful datasets on which we can base our prioritization decisions.

It is essential that you understand any models that you use, particularly what assumptions are made in using them and how they might affect results. Be sure to study the models in the TerrainModels toolbox noting how they work. Are any assumptions made within these models? What are the impacts of these assumptions? What could we do to validate any assumptions we make?