Species distribution models like the one we created in the previous exercise are often key ingredients in landscape planning as they allow us to include a species range in the prioritization of areas for conservation. It's rare, however, that we are able to protect the entire range of a given species, so we need to ask ourselves whether some areas of a species' range might be more worth conserving than others. The answer, of course, is yes, and we'll spend the next few weeks looking at different ways to examine and prioritize areas within a species range for conservation.
This particular lab exercise examines properties of the habitat patches themselves: their size and shape, or geometry. In following lab exercises, we look at the configuration of habitat patches across the landscape, paying particular attention to connectivity among patches, and also habitat patches in the context of external threats. Together these habitat patch attributes can be used in developing a more informed conservation strategy, one that can be adapted to a variety of particular conservation objectives - a topic we will revisit when we examine conservation planning.
The first step in any landscape prioritization exercise is parsing the landscape into discrete units that we can compare. When dealing with species ranges, a logical unit is often the habitat patch. A habitat patch is defined as a contiguous area of species habitat isolated by areas of non-habitat. Creating a spatial dataset of habitat patches therefore has two prerequisites: (1) that we have or can create a habitat map, and (2) we can isolate and uniquely label each contiguous area of habitat. That will be our first objective in this lab, using our species distribution model results as the starting point.
Once we have our habitat patches, we will begin the prioritization by looking at geometric attributes of each patch. We can calculate a number of different, often correlated, geometric attributes for a given patch, and one of the challenges will be to pare this list to include a manageable set of ecologically relevant ones. In this lab we'll use ways to calculate some useful landscape metrics using ArcGIS. We'll also examine FRAGSTATS, a popular software application for calculating dozens of landscape metrics. In the end we'll have a list of our patches and a set of landscape geometric attributes on which we can potentially rank hour species distribution area for conservation.
In this exercise we'll begin constructing a decision support system (DSS) for prioritizing pronghorn antelope habitat in the Western Mogollon Plateau in north-central Arizona for conservation. Specifically, we'll be looking at individual patches of pronghorn habitat, using spatial analysis to generate a number of attributes based on patch size and shape. These attributes can, in turn, be used to rank patches in terms of conservation importance.
We will take two approaches to calculating patch geometric attributes. First we will create a set of ArcGIS geoprocessing models that calculate a number of useful attributes. And then we will examine FRAGSTATS, a popular software package that generates a bewildering amount of patch metrics. Finally we'll compare the two outputs to see whether the two approaches agree.
This lab exercise comprises the first of three parts of a larger landscape analysis assessment for pronghorn antelope habitat in the Mogollon Plateau. In this part we focus on calculating landscape geometry metrics. Use the steps provided in this document to calculate metrics of landscape fragmentation on patches of pronghorn habitat in the Mogollon Plateau both in ArcMap and in FRAGSTATS.
The following outputs should be submitted at the end of this assignment. (Tasks 1-3 can be entered on the Excel spreadsheet available [here]):
A table listing the summary statistics (min, max, mean, std. deviation) of patch area, perimeter, thickness, shape index, and core-area ratios for the set of pronghorn habitat patches within the study area. Also include columns for the same or similar measures (if they exist) from the FRAGSTATS outputs.
Note: if you use Excel to calculate standard deviation, use the StdDev.S
function, not StdDev.P
. Or, you can compute summary statistics of a column easily in ArcGIS Pro by right clicking on a column and selecting Statistics
A table listing the ID of the patch(es) corresponding to the criteria listed below. Also include the metric used to identify the patch and the value of that metric (as calculated in ArcMap).
Largest total area
Largest core area
Highest core:area ratio
Most compact
A table listing the following:
An X-Y scatterplot of FRAGSTATS computed perimeter-area ratio (PARA) against Shape Index, calculated in ArcGIS. Briefly describe why this is not a 1:1 relationship (i.e. why there's more scatter in the points as it extends away from the origin).
I've provided a fully set up ArcGIS Pro workspace here: LandscapeGeom.zip
This workspace includes a dataset on Pronghorn Habitat Suitability developed by Northern Arizona's Forest Ecosystem Restoration Analysis (ForestERA) program's Mogollon Plateau landscape assessment. The original dataset, along with a shapefile of the study area is no longer on-line, but can be nabbed using the Internet Archive (which is handy tool to know...) http://web.archive.org/web/20060526063042/www.forestera.nau.edu/data_foundational.htm.
Download the lab data (LandscapeMetrics.zip) to your local drive.
Unzip it and open the ArcGIS Pro workspace.
Here we define habitat as those locations within the pronghorn habitat suitability map above a certain threshold. As we've seen in the habitat modeling lab, techniques for choosing a threshold are determined by the method used to derive the habitat suitability map as well as the ecological application of the result. Examination of the metadata for the pronghorn habitat suitability map reveal that it is a modified rule-based map, so there is no statistically derived optimal threshold (e.g. with ROC analysis).
In cases like this, there is no inherently "correct" answer for which threshold to choose, so it's important to: (1) be as transparent as possible in how you made your decision, (2) make use of any data made available to you, (3) understand the consequences and sensitivity of choosing a threshold that's too low or one that's too high. That said, for the purposes of this lab, we'll begin by choosing a threshold probability of 0.9. The pronghorn analysis metadata does provide an accuracy assessment whereby 72% of pronghorn observations were found within areas with a suitability score of 0.9 or higher, so we at least have some indication of how reliable this threshold is...
pixels classified as habitat in the result.] Before moving on, examine the result from a critical perspective. Even though we've set our habitat suitability threshold to be quite high (0.9), there's still a degree of uncertainty in our result. What is the accuracy of the input layers used to develop this model -- errors temporally, spatially, and in measurement? Furthermore, from the species perspective, is a single cell, even if properly classified as habitat, meaningful?
The idea here is to recognize that our habitat map still has a bit of 'noise' in it. We're going to filter out a bit of this noise by removing single or small clusters of habitat pixels. These pixels may well be accurately classified as habitat, in which case we're increasing the false negative error in our data by removing them, but because of spatial autocorrelation, we're assuming it's a bit more likely that these small isolates are noise. Furthermore, from a species' perspective, patches below a certain threshold size may be less meaningful.
The bottom line is that we're going to remove cell clusters below a certain size threshold in hopes that our subsequent analysis is more accurate and meaningful. The following steps create a set of habitat patches, each uniquely identified, for all clusters of habitat larger than ~32 HA (40 cells).
classes in your result.]345
total patches.]→ We now have our habitat patch dataset for which we will calculate patch geometric attributes...
We now have our patches, so it's time to consider what aspects of a patch's size and shape might make it more or less valuable to conserve. It's important to recognize that the answer may well vary widely for different species, but there are a few that are generally useful ones.
- First, large patches are generally better than small ones, so simply calculating patch area would be a good start.
- Second, patches with simple shapes are often considered more robust than more complex ones. This is because, among other things, a patch with a complex shape is more susceptible to fragmentation within any loss of habitat. The perimeter to area ratio is often used as a measure of patch complexity: a smaller value implies a simpler, compact shape. However, this ratio fails to correct for patch size; holding shape constant, an increase in patch size will cause a decrease in the perimeter-area ratio. Shape index is another metric that corrects for this issue as is standardizes the complexity of a shape to the most compact shape it could be, i.e. a circle -- or if dealing with rasters, a square.
- And third, we might want to assume that habitat along the edge of a patch is inferior to habitat within the patch's core. As such, we will want to calculate the core-area ratio, that is, the ratio of core area (interior area beyond the edge) to the total area of a given patch. We, of course, have to define how wide we want our edge to be, and it has to be meaningful given the cell size of our data.
There are a number of other geometric properties we could calculate for each patch -- and we'll look at these in the FRAGSTATS portion of this lab, but these three will provide us with a quick means of ranking our habitat patches in terms of their shapes and sizes.
We see that the Zonal Geometry tools in ArcGIS are quite well suited to examining patch geometries. We already have one attribute we wanted to derive (patch area), and we have the key ingredients in creating another: the shape index.
Recall that the shape index is the ratio of the measured perimeter of a patch to the perimeter of a shape of the same area in its most compact form -- i.e. a square in our case since we're dealing with square rasters.
Thus, to calculate shape index, we begin with our shape's area and determine what the perimeter of a square with that area would be. To do that we simply take the square root of the area (this would be the length of one side of the square) and multiply that by 4. Dividing our patch's perimeter by this value gives us an index of shape complexity; as this value nears the value of 1, our patch's shape is considered maximally compact. Larger values indicate a more complex shape, which may mean more susceptibility to fragmentation.
We can also use raster tools to determine the core area of each patch. Here we will assume that any cell within 200 m from the patch edge is influenced by edge effects (which our pronghorn tends to avoid) and that the remaining cells are "core" cells. So, to calculate core to edge area ratio, we need to, for each patch, isolate "edge" pixels from "core" pixels and then determine the area of each. We accomplish this using Euclidean distance tools.
When you exclude edge areas from habitat patches and focus only on core habitat, it's possible that the patch has two or more disjunct cores. You can calculate the number of disjunct cores by "region grouping" patch core areas. Furthermore, you can identify which original habitat patches have disjunct cores (and how many) either by using the "combine" tool or calculating a zonal variety.
Lastly, we'll examine some of the spatial statistics capacity of ArcGIS. Take a look at all the tools available in the Spatial Statistics Tools toolbox. A thorough explanation of each is available within the ArcGIS Desktop Help (They're actually quite readable and include further references...) Many of these are not applicable for our situation (a binary habitat/non-habitat analysis), but one that is somewhat useful is the Average Nearest Neighbor tool, which tells us whether habitat patches occurs in clumps or are more evenly dispersed across the landscape.
XY Table to Point
tool with your Zonal Geometry As Table result.8.101E09
, or 8101000000
). (This is the area of our Study Area in map units (m2).)
FRAGSTATS (http://www.umass.edu/landeco/research/fragstats/fragstats.html) computes a wide variety of landscape metrics from, among other data formats, ArcGIS GRIDs. The number of metrics FRAGSTATS can produce is staggering, and it's a common pitfall just to run every statistic possible without first contemplating what it is you want to examine and why. We will limit the metrics we'll produce to those similar to one's we did using ArcGIS, mostly for comparison purposes. But really, you should be cognizant of why you are using FRAGSTATS (or ArcGIS for that matter), and use it as a means to an end, not an end itself.
FRAGSTATS may or may not be installed on the machine you are using. If it is, you can import a patch raster in ESRI's GRID format. Otherwise, you can still use FRAGSTATS, but you'll have to convert your habitat patch raster into TIF format and import that copy. The instructions below assume FRAGSTATS is not installed on your machine. (It will still work even if it's installed though.)
Copy Raster
tool or export your raster into TIF format directly in ArcMap. I will call mine HabPatch.tif and place it in the folder created above.File
> New
).Add Layer
and set Input Data Type to GeoTiff grid (.tif) and select your habitat patch grid file.Edge Depth
to use a fixed depth and set it a 200 m.Analysis Parameters
tab. Set the neighborhood rule to use 8 cells and chose to "Automatically save results". Save these results somewhere in your workspace. You may want to create a new folder to hold all the output files. We'll refer to our basename as "HabPatch".
Set to create the following patch metric outputs (Just calculate the values, not any of the class level or landscape level deviation categories):
a. Area - Edge: Patch Area, Patch Perimeter
b. Shape: Perimeter-Area Ratio, Shape Index
c. Core Area: Core Area, Number of Core Areas, Core Area Index.
Set the program to create the following landscape metric outputs:
d. Area - Edge: Total Area, Largest Patch Index, Total Edge, Edge Density
e. Core Area: Total Core Area, Number of Disjunct Core Areas
Save and run your FRAGSTATS Scenario. You can view the results in the FRAGSTAST program, but we will using the exported results within ArcMap....
The patch metrics generated by FRAGSTATS, stored in a text file with the extension ".patch", are in a CSV format, that, with a bit of editing can be imported into ArcGIS and used to symbolize our initial habitat patches. The landscape file, on the other hand, need not be imported into ArcGIS since it hold variables specific to the entire landscape, not single geographic features.
to HabPatch.csv
and open it in Excel.We are going to merge these records with the patch geometry attributes generated in ArcGIS. To do this we need to edit the TYPE so that the values are numbers. So we simply have to:
Remove the "cls_
" from the cell values. This is easily done by replacing all occurrences of "cls_
" with an empty string.
. cls_
" as the find string and leave the replace string blank. Note: You may find that the PID values appear the same as the TYPE value without the "cls_". This can be true, but isn't always the case since PID is an internal ID value. Unless you are positive they are identical, it's best to truncate the TYPE value as shown above.
Save your CSV file, close Excel and then open the CSV file in ArcGIS. While you can work with CSV files directly in ArcGIS, I find converting geodatabase tables or DBF format tables more stable, so I suggest you use the Copy Rows tool or the Export option to save your CSV as one of these formats.
Finally, use the Join Field tool to attach the patch attribute table generated in the first part of this lab to your Fragstats results. Join the Value field to the TYPE field. The result should have both the Fragstats and the ArcGIS generated results and you can use ArcMap (or Excel, or whatever) to compare the two.
Create some scatter plots of ArcGIS derived results vs. Fragstats. Which correspond to each other?
Open the HabPatch.land in a text editor. The values apply to the entire landscape and allow you to compare different landscape configurations. (For example, if you had a historical or climate-projected landscape scenario...)
Parsing the output of a species distribution model into habitat patches allows us to identify not only where a species of interest may occur within a landscape, but which of those spots may be more valuable in conserving the species. Patch geometry is just one of many important factors that can go into prioritizing a landscape for conservation, and in the coming weeks we'll examine several others.
Add the table to an ArcGIS Pro Map, if it's not there already.
Right-click the table and select Create Chart
>Scatter Plot
; this should open the Chart Properties window.
Select your X and Y values to plot (e.g. ShapeIdx
, from ArcGIS, and PARA
, from Fragstats)
Explore the other options available to modify the layout of the scatterplot.
Once finished, you can save your graph by exporting it to a JPEG or other graphics format.