This problem set consists of two tasks dealing with Web-based GIS, particularly ArcGIS Online. This short lab provides a check to make sure you understand the material. That said, much more understanding of the material comes here – with working through the problem set – than just listening during lecture and following the steps of the tutorial. You are to work independently, but certainly feel free to go back to the tutorials and ask questions of your classmates on that material. However, if you have a question, or are stuck on a particular item in this short lab, limit your questions to the instructors or TA.
The zip file located here: contains the files needed to complete this assignment.
You want to create an interactive map that juxtaposes social vulnerability and flood risk layers with the storm track of hurricane Katrina to visualize the threats posed by the storm. You’ll use ESRI’s Social Vulnerability layer, a layer depicting US Flood Risk zones, and another layer depicting the hurricane Katrina storm track. You will also upload a CSV file of coordinates for a predicted hurricane and “connect the dots” on this map to display the track for this predicted hurricane. Additionally, you will create an ArcGIS Online presentation from your map. We didn’t cover this procedure in any detail in the class tutorials, but see how well you can do with intuition and exploration. ESRI help on these presentations can be found here:
Create a new map, setting the base map to ESRI’s Oceans basemap layer.
Browse the Living Atlas content for "Social Vulnerability". Filter results to show only Tile Layers and add the "most relevant" result (sort results on "relevance").
Search the Living Atlas content for “USA Flood Hazard Areas” Imagery Layer (provided by ESRI).
Search ArcGIS Online content for “Katrina track” and add the feature layer provided by "esripress_ig_imagery” to your map.
Add the point feature contained in the “StormPredictionPoints.csv” file to your map.
Manually draw a line connecting the points in the StormPredictionPoints layer. (Note that not all Map Notes templates allow you to draw lines…)
Save and share your map with the ENV761 group. Use your DukeID as a tag.
Enter the URL on the Lab1AnswerSheet Excel spreadsheet. (This can be either the “” URL or the long “” URL).
Predicted Storm Track by <your name>
. Show only the storm track, track points, and the oceans base map.Landfall: Wilmington, NC
. Add the social vulnerability and flood risk layers to the slide’s view. Set the base map to OpenStreetMap.NC
. WV
In this task, you will quick assemble an ArcGIS Pro Map leveraging ArcGIS Online resources that calculates the area of high forest fire potential (and water) within the viewshed of a forest observation tower.
→ Before beginning, create an ArcGIS Pro project called <netID>_Lab1
(e.g. abc123_Lab1
) on your V:
Your first step in the analysis is to load the location of the fire watchtower. This dataset is located on Duke’s ArcGIS online portal, with access constrained to the ENV761 group. (You should already have access to this group; if not contact the instructor.) You may also need to be signed into ArcGIS online to access this dataset from within ArcMap.
Waldo Mountain Lookout
feature layer (owner = john.fay) and add the dataset to your map.Next, you will add National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) data for the state of Oregon to your map to double check that the Waldo Mountain Fire Tower appears to be in the correct location.
2011 Oregon NAIP
imagery layer within all portals. Add one of the services published by David Mather to your map.Now you’ll need to upload data on fire potential. To do this you need to link to one of ESRI’s Landscape Data servers:
Create a new ArcGIS Server connection in your project folder, setting its connection to:
To calculate the viewshed from this tower, we will use one of the on-line tools ESRI makes available to those with an ArcGIS Online organizational account. (You will need elevated privileges set my me before you can run this tool.)
From the Analysis tab within ArcGIS Pro, select “Ready-To-Use-Tools”, then ViewShed. Open this tool and use it to calculate the viewshed for the Waldo Mtn. tower:
Examine the attribute table of the output. Report the viewshed area and perimeter (and their units) in the Excel spreadsheet.
The Viewshed tool’s output is saved in the computer’s memory. Save a local copy of the viewshed polygon feature class to your project folder so you can retrieve it in case ArcMap crashes.
You now have all the data necessary to calculate the amount of high and very high fire potential within the viewshed of the Waldo Mountain lookout tower. Use these datasets you derived to fill in the remaining values in the Lab1_Answersheet.xlsx Excel spreadsheet. Be sure to fill out the units column as well, and pay attention to significant digits; don’t submit answers that you know are too precise given the data used. (For example, you are not going to know the viewshed perimeter to the nearest centimeter so don’t include any decimal places if your answer is in meters…)
If you have answered the above two questions satisfactorily, you will have earned a solid score for this assignment. However, if you want to demonstrate further mastery of the subject, I have provided the opportunity to do so here.
Calculate the length of the flow path from the Waldo Mtn. lookout tower to the outlet of Willamette River (or wherever the flow path ends). ESRI provides a tool that traces flow paths downstream from a user supplied point. The tool is located on ESRI’s Hydrology Server connection ( which can be access through your ArcGIS Online organizational account. If options are available, select the finest resolution and do NOT generalize outputs. Enter your answer on the Lab1AnswerSheet.xlsx spreadsheet.
Put your Lab1 answer sheet in your Project Folder. Zip the folder, which should contain:
And submit this zipped folder to the assignments section of Sakai.